The course is holding up well after the rain and the greens work.
The sand has been added to the greens and the recovery is well under way.
Hopefully another week or so and we won't be a million miles off.
Keep enjoying your golf.
Course Update
We are clearing out our shorts for 2024 and having the following shorts for £20!
We expect these to go quickly so please be quick, and reply to the email below to reserve yours.... first come first served.
FootJoy ace tapered golf shorts in black with CMGC logo - 36-inch waist - 3 pairs available. 34-inch waist 1 pair available.
Stuburt black golf shorts - 42-inch waist and 38-inch waist - 1 of each available.
FootJoy black tapered trousers with CMGC logo - 36 waist x 30 leg = £20
Puma black tapered trousers - 36 waist x 32 leg = £22
We can also do a deal on a FootJoy braided belt at £25 if you need to complete the outside (normally £40).